

Artist in Residence, Church of the Good Shepherd
I am greatful to have been given the opportunity to spend four months sculpting creative experiences for members of this self-described "Spiritual Oasis in the Woods" in Acton, MA. I began with little direction but lots of trust. With the help of an excellent staff, a creative congregation, and Divine guidance, I was able to witness wonderful experiences unfold. See photos

Creativity & New Product Design Workshop, MIT Sloan School of Management
Co-created and presented a workshop with MIT professor Dan Ariely for Sloan students to explore concepts of creativity and innovation from artistic and systematic approaches.

Celebrating the World Through Art
In 1996, I planned and curated an art exhibit and arts festival celebrating cultural diversity with the Boston Area Returned Peace Corps Volunteers at the Somerville Museum in Somerville, MA. We received local press coverage for the show's opening, which was attended by over 300 people. The project was also nominated for 1997 Ruppe Award given by the National Peace Corps Association. See photos

Peace Corps: The Kennedy Bridge
The most demanding and exciting project I facilitated while serving in the Peace Corps in Niger, West Africa consisted of the construction of a causeway to improve a main road to market accessed by my village and 23 others. I was fortunate to have wonderful Nigerien counterparts, generous villagers, and the support of family, Peace Corps staff and other volunteers. The difficulties of language (both French and Hausa were needed), cultural differences, and frequent unforseen obstacles were great. However, every time I began to say "I can't do this! It's too large/difficult/expensive/frustrating/... insert adjective," someone would show up at my house having walked 12 kilometers to bring me a chicken in thanks. Bridge Project Photo Tour

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